Aiming to become “all-rounders who can support people’s health”

Our books and research papers

Here are some of the research papers and books written by our members, our DVDs, and our reviews / commentaries posted on commercial magazines. For more information on research topics and grants, please see “List of Achievements” in Primary Care and Medical Education.


Rural Social Participation through Osekkai during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ohta R, Yata A, Arakawa Y, Maiguma K, Sano C.

lnt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(11), 5924.2021.05


A regionally specific drinking custom ‘Otōri’ and its association with alcohol consumption/alcohol use disorders: a cross-sectional study

Sugiyama Y, Yoshimoto H, Iwabuchi K, Matsushima M.

BMJ Open 2021, 11;e041738,2021.05.

Predicting Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) pneumonia: epidemiological study of respiratory tract infection using multiplex PCR assays

Ishimaru N, Suzuki S, Shimokawa T, Akashi Y, Takeuchi Y, Ueda A, Kinami S, Ohnishi H, Suzuki H, Tokuda Y, Maeno T.

Internal and Emergency Medicine.2021.05.

White Nail as a Static Physical Finding: Revitalization of Physical Examination

Ohta R, Sano C.

Clin. Pract. 2021, 11(2);241-245.2021.5

Fears Related to COVID-19 among Rural Older People in Japan

Ohta R , Ryu Y , Sano C.

Healthcare 2021, 9(5), 524,2021.04

What Role Conceptions Do Multi-Healthcare Professionals Have of Physicians and What Role Expectation Do They Have of Physicians in a Community?

Haruta J, Goto R, Ozone S, Maeno T.

BMC Family Practice.2021.04



The importance of patient-centered care during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from a rural ward in Japan

Ohta R, Ikeda H, Sawa J.

J Rural Med 2021; 16(2): 128–129.2021.04.

The Implementation of a Clinical Ladder in Rural Japanese Nursing Education: Effectiveness and Challenges

Maejima S, Ohta R, Sano C.


「ソーシャルディスタンス」の時代のエスノグラフィー ―デジタルプラットフォームを活用した調査を事例として―


白山人類学、24:101 – 114、2021.03


Improvement in palliative care quality in rural nursing homes through information and communication technology-driven interprofessional collaboration

Ohta R, Ryu Y.

Rural and Remote Health 21 (2).2021.04.


The importance of patient-centered care during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from a rural ward in Japan

Ohta R, Ikeda H, Sawa J.

Rural Medicine 16(2):128-129.2021.04.


The effect of social fear on the establishment of fever standards in rural hospitals during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

Ohta R, Ikeda H.

 Rural Medicine 16(2):126-127.2021.04


南海トラフ地震による宮崎県のプライマリ・ケア提供施設の被害想定と被害緩和対策:GIS を用いた分析

原田奈穂子,香田将英,齊藤稔哲,吉本 尚,小幡 篤.

日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌  44(1) : 2-10.2021年3月



小森 聡子, 小曽根 早知子, 後藤 亮平, 春田 淳志

日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 2021, vol. 44, no. 1, p. 11-16.2021.03.

帰してはいけない外来患者 第2版

医学書院 2021年3月



> Purchase this book

The revitalization of “Osekkai”: How the COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of Japanese voluntary social work

Ohta R, Yata A.

Qualitative Social Work 2021, Vol. 20(1–2) 423–432.

Challenges and solutions in nurse practitioners’ work for interprofessional collaboration at rural community hospitals: The grounded theory approach

Ohta R, Maejima S.

Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice Volume 23, June 2021, 100421.

The Uncertainty of COVID-19 Inducing Social Fear and Pressure on the Continuity of Rural, Community-Based Medical Education: A Thematic Analysis

Ohta R,  Ryu Y , Sano C.

Healthcare 2021, 9(2), 223,2021.02

Educational Intervention to Improve Citizen’s Healthcare Participation Perception in Rural Japanese Communities: A Pilot Study

Ohta R, Ryu Y , Kitayuguchi J, Sano C, Karen D. Könings.

  1. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(4), 1782,2021.2.

Risk of Hospital Readmission among Older Patients Discharged from the Rehabilitation Unit in a Rural Community Hospital: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Ohta R , Sano C.

Clin. Med. 2021, 10(4), 659,2021.2.

The materials introduced here are only some of the main ones. Please see "List of Achievements" in Primary Care and Medical Education.
For papers, etc., please see "Research Performance" in Primary Care and Medical Education.

General Medicine and Primary Care,
University of Tsukuba Hospital
2-1-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8576 JAPAN

Aiming to become “all-rounders who can support people’s health”